Monday, February 23, 2009

A Momentous Occasion

Yesterday was a momentous day. After much struggle, sacrifice, difficulty, hard work, and perseverance, a milestone was reached. That's right, I had my 100th profile view! Fittingly, it was me who logged that 100th view. But no matter. It is also of little consequence that I probably had about 60% of all views either. The only thing that matters is the big 1-0-0!

What did you expect? Something else? Remember the title of this blog. It's all about me baby! Capital M, capital E!

Just kidding. It's all about what I see, and yesterday truly was a wonderful milestone. Moses turned the big 1.0 (pronounced "one point oh," so it sounds better). Who is Moses, you ask?

Well, he looks like this, when he is cake drunk:

He is Tim and Jen's son. He is the man. He has the largest amount of muscle I've ever seen on a human under the age of 16. He is the kind of baby that makes people make babies, due in large part to the fact that he is so darned cute. He is Mo Mo.

Tim and Jen have been trying to adopt for a long time. The process is not easy (understatement). The process is not fast (huge understatement). And this is if your last name is simple, like Smith. Now imagine if your last name is Rooseboom (pronounced "rose boom"). Look at this line: Tim and Jen Rooseboom. Now get out a piece of paper and something to write with. Now, just try to spell it right. Go ahead, give it a shot. You can't do it, can you? Don't worry, the adoption agency couldn't either. So don't feel too bad. This story has a happy ending.

Here's the mother with the difficult last name:

And the father with the sensational moustache:

But eventually the agency did get it right. And Tim and Jen were off to Ethiopia to meet their son. Moses Daniel. He was waiting for them there, and as you may imagine, the reason why is a sad one. His father died from malaria, and his mother could not support him. It is very difficult to imagine loving your baby and yet being in such a difficult position that giving that baby up is the best option. But this is what happened. As an aside, I loved that Tim and Jen had a candle burning in honor of the birth-mother at the party, encouraging people to send thoughts and love to her on his birthday. Truly touching.

Anyhow, family bonding with the new one was a huge success. Tooth growing has gone well. Smashing food in an iron grip and placing it in the mouth was (and is) no problem. Now it was time to celebrate the fact that little Mo Mo had made it through an entire year. Even Oliver hasn't clawed him to death yet (yes, Oliver is like Freddy Kreuger, especially when tired).

Sweet little Mo Mo. He is deeply loved, well fed (obviously!), and all of our lives are greatly improved as a result of having him in them. We all love you Moses! Happy Birthday!

If you love Moses as much as I do and you want to help people like him, click on the title of this article. Then make a donation to his adoption agency, and tell them it's in honor of Moses Daniel Rooseboom (if you can actually spell that). And if you can't spare any money in these difficult times, I'm sure Tim and Jen would appreciate it if you simply sent some love to Moses' birth-mother. It can't hurt, and it only takes a minute!


  1. I can't believe you thought I wouldn't have seen this on my own. I google "the father with the sensational moustache" every night and tonight I finally got a hit! And Lo! it was me. Tonight, I will sleep in peace.

  2. Yay, you posted! Tim's comment up there is killing me right now, hahaha. "And Lo! it was me." I agree though, "sensational" was a good choice.

    Momo loves cake. He is tightly packed and cute. That was a great idea to link the post to his adoption agency site.

    One-point-oh! (You are a geek! To the max. ...And now I am, after that phrase). Did you really use Freddy Kreuger in reference to Oliver?! Gahh, scary!

    And I'm pretty sure part of your OCD involves hoarding. Hoarding followers that is. But there is no way I'm getting your newspaper and washing your car for you until you post more, since now I have more than you, ha! Post more. I love post. Congrats on 100 views though! I'm going to develop multiple personalities now and make a bunch of followers for mine. Dude. That would be sweet and they could each have the pulpit every so often and make awesome comments.

    p.s. No biting! You are allowed to tap teeth 6-3-1 for balance though. That is rather endearing.

  3. All this was perfect to read at 4 in the morning!

  4. Matt, thank you so much for this post! It makes me so happy to know that my sweet little man is so loved. That was the best part of his birthday, for me- seeing him surrounded by all those people who love him.

    And thank you for linking to Holt. You're a sweet and thoughtful soul.


  5. By the way, with regard to the last name- when we got married, Tim's brother was all like, "Get ready for no one being able to pronounce your last name." And I was all "Get ready? My last name used to be McLeod. Unless you are a nerd who attends renaissance fairs and has watched The Highlander 59 times, you do not know how to pronounce that."

  6. Wow. I love the reverence/tribute to Moses's birth
    mother very touching. Fantastic!
